About of magazine
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for the Supervision of Compliance with Mass Media Law and the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Certificate of Registration ПИ № ФС 77–71270 from 10.10.2017
ISSN 2220-5500
The magazine is published 6 times a year.
Founder: KnoRus Publishing Company.
117218, Moscow, st. Kedrova, 14, block 2

For operational communication with the editors, please use ​jurscience@mail.ru


The journal is a scientific and practical publication, covering both the fundamental issues of legal science, and applied aspects of legal regulation and professionalization of a lawyer.
As in the fundamental edition, it occupies a special place in philosophical and legal and theoretical legal concepts based on methodological pluralism (phenomenology and hermeneutics of law, legal positivism, sociological and psychological schools of law, synthetic legal theories, etc.).
The journal has an international legal accentuation. Coverage is given to issues of globalization in the legal sphere, the development of international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and various forms of international cooperation. The theory of integration law and the practice of the functioning of integration associations (first of all, the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union) occupy a special place in the concept of the journal.
Legal comparative studies occupy one of the most important places in the publication. They receive coverage of the work, in which foreign legislation and the practice of its application are analyzed, recommendations are made on borrowing and adapting foreign experience to the peculiarities of the domestic legal system and legal practice.
The magazine is interdisciplinary, that is, it covers both the problems of the traditional branches of Russian law and the current problems of the formation of new branches of law and branches of the law.
The journal provides a platform for young scientists, reviews of short stories of domestic legislation, tendencies of international regulation, Russian and foreign monographs and dissertations are made. A separate rubric is devoted to law enforcement practice.
Thus, the main methodological principles of this publication are:
- interdisciplinary and intercompetent approach;
- priority of complex, at the junction of scientific specialties and educational competencies, research;
- end-to-end analysis of competition and interaction of law and order (international, national and supranational);
- study of international organizations, as well as little formalized international regulators, the impact of their regulatory practices and standards on national and other legal systems.
The editors are counting on cooperation with scientific and educational institutions, the expert community, the media, and all those interested in the development of legal science, legislation, and law enforcement.

Chief Editor:
Kashkin Sergey Yuryevich, Doctor of Law, Professor
Deputy Chief Editor:
Korovyakovsky Denis Gennadyevich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor
Members of the editorial board:
Ashmarina Elena Mikhailovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian State University of Justice
Bagreeva Elena Gennadievna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Barabanova Svetlana Vasilyevna, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Kazan National Research Technological University
Biryukov Pavel Nikolaevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Voronezh State University
Galushkin Alexander Alexandrovich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Kazachkova Zemfira Muharbievna, Doctor of Law, Professor, All-Russian State University of Justice
Kalinichenko Paul Alekseevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafin (MSLA)
Kozhankov Anton Yuryevich, PhD in Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
Lipatov Eduard Georgievich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Malko Alexander Vasilyevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mamitova Nataliya Viktorovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Makhtaev Makhtay Shapievich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Mesheryakova Olga Mikhailovna, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Mordovets Alexander Sergeevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, All-Russian State University of Justice
Panchenko Vladislav Yuryevich, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, All-Russian State University of Justice
Ruzakova Olga Alexandrovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Sangadzhiev Badma Vladimirovich, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Stepanyan Armen Zhoresovich, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafina (MSLA)
Tsaregradskaya Julia Konstantinovna, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafin (MSLA)
Channov Sergey Evgenievich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Saratov State Law Academy
Chetverikov Artem Olegovich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafina (MSLA)
Chikhladze Levan Teymurazovich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Shokhin Sergey Olegovich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
Shchukina Tatyana Vladimirovna, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Pavlikov Sergey Gerasimovich, Doctor of Law, Professor at the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Skitovich Viktor Viktorovich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of State Legal and Criminal Law Disciplines, FSBEI HE "REU them. G.V. Plekhanov
Shagieva Rozalina Vasilievna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Dzhindzholiya Raul Sergeevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Russian New University
Stoyko Nikolay Gennadyevich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, St. Petersburg State University

Goal and tasks
1. The purpose of the editorial policy of the journal is to accumulate the best Russian and foreign articles on various branches of legal and economic sciences, reflecting the results of research, research, practical and innovation activities of research workers of universities and scientific organizations in Russia, the EEU countries, the CIS, non-CIS countries, leading specialists of enterprises and organizations.
2. Tasks of the editorial policy of the journal:
- provide scientists with the opportunity to publish the results of their research in the conditions of publicity and openness in reflecting scientific issues;
- to promote the formation of an open scientific debate in order to improve the quality of scientific research, the effectiveness of the examination of scientific work, and the identification of scientific potential for the introduction of advanced scientific achievements
- to draw attention to the most relevant promising and interesting areas of legal and economic sciences;
- to ensure interaction and to attract to publications in journals of the Publishing House of leading Russian and foreign scientists, to establish an exchange of views between researchers from different scientific schools from different regions and states;
- provide an opportunity for dialogue and the exchange of knowledge between leading scientists and practitioners.
Main provisions
1. The subject of the journal is formed on the basis of the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers by right.
2. The journal’s editorial policy is based on the traditional ethical principles of scientific periodicals developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors, reviewers and authors.
The editorial policy of the journal includes 3 components:
- publication ethics,
- position on the review of manuscripts,
- requirements for the publication of articles.
3. Relationships of all parties (journal staff, editors, authors, reviewers) are based on compliance with the Publishing Ethics of Publishing.
4. Manuscripts, including accompanying documents that do not meet the requirements for publishing articles, are rejected. The author is notified of the need to bring materials (manuscripts and / or accompanying documents) in accordance with the requirements of the Publishing House.
5. In order to ensure the quality of published materials and respect for copyright, all submitted manuscripts prepared in accordance with the Publishing Requirements for publishing articles go through automated systems for checking manuscripts for borrowings (Antiplagiat, etc.) and only after that are sent for review.
6. The review of manuscripts is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the review of manuscripts.
7. Editing of all accepted manuscripts is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the publication of scientific literature.
8. Authors who submit their manuscripts for publication in a journal express their consent to the publication of manuscripts in scientific journals of the Publishing House, to publish an article (published manuscript) in open access on the Publishers website, to transmit the text of the article (including links, bibliographic information, etc.) to individuals and organizations who are obliged to provide this information, or to other persons in order to provide the possibility of citing the publication and increasing the citation index Publishing.
9. The author, directing his article to the journal, thereby consents to the publication of it through publication in this journal and provides the Publisher, free of charge, for a period of 5 years from the moment of publication of the article, an exclusive license to use it (reproduction of the Article or its separate part in any material form, including on paper and electronic media in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal and / or in the databases of the Publishing House and / or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher; distribution of the Article or its separate parts on any medium in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal and / or in the databases of the Publishing House or other persons, at the discretion of the Publishing House and / or the Founder of the Journal; bringing the Article or its separate part to the public with the ability of any person to access the Article from any place and at any time of one’s choice (including via the Internet); public display of copies of the Article or its separate part; processing, including translation of the Article (including into English), and use of a revised (translated Article) by the above methods; sublicensing (granting rights to use the Article and its individual parts obtained under this Agreement to third parties)).
10. Responsibility for the factual materials cited in the articles are the authors.
11. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned to authors.
12. Manuscripts that have received a negative assessment on the results of reviewing and rejected by the Publisher are not published and are not returned to the authors. The publisher does not store rejected manuscripts.
13. The publishing house has the right to make reduction and editorial changes in agreement with the author.

In accordance with the ethical rules and standards adopted by leading international scientific publishing houses, KnoRus Publishing House (hereinafter referred to as the “Publishing House”) approved ethical principles, which are mandatory for all participants in the process of publishing scientific materials - for authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, leading editors and publisher.
Responsibility of the authors
1. By sending the article to the editors, the authors thereby confirm that this article is not being reviewed by the editors of another journal, and that it has not been published previously.
2. Authors are responsible for the content of the article. Articles should use only original scientific data. In the case of borrowing materials from other researchers, a corresponding correct reference should be made. The results discussed in the article should meet the criterion of reproducibility by other researchers. All data processing methods, as well as their interpretation logic, must be absolutely transparent.
3. Authors are responsible for voluntary or involuntary plagiarism. Unauthorized borrowing and reproduction of any elements of the article (text, graphics, primary data, etc.) are absolutely unacceptable. Borrowed elements, reproduced with the consent of the copyright holders, must be presented in a correct form and be accompanied by a corresponding reference.
4. The authors are responsible for specifying the sources of financial support for the project, the results of which are described in the article submitted for consideration, as well as for indicating the persons who contributed to the research.
Responsibility of Publishers
1. The publishing house accepts for consideration previously unpublished articles that represent the original scientific research or a detailed review on any topic that corresponds to the general direction of the journal.
2. The publishing house is responsible for making decisions regarding the articles proposed for consideration. The basis for the decision of the editorial board of the journal on the acceptance of an article for publication or the refusal to publish is solely the scientific value of the article, its importance for scientific progress and the quality of preparation.
3. Journal editors and members of the editorial board do not have the right to disclose information about articles received by the editorial board to anyone, with the exception of a narrow circle of people who are directly related to the article and the process of preparing it for publication.
4. Editors of journals in the process of reviewing articles should get acquainted in detail with the original information contained in them, but under no circumstances may they use it in their own research or for other personal purposes. The use of such information is allowed only after the official publication of the article in the implementation of correct citation in accordance with generally accepted requirements.
5. Editors are required to provide control over the accuracy and correctness of citations in an article approved for publication.

Reviewer's Responsibility
1. Reviewing articles in the journal is anonymous. The authors are not informed who specifically reviewed their article. However, at the request of the reviewer and with his (her) written consent, the name of the reviewer may be communicated to the author of the article.
2. Reviewers should not disclose to outsiders information about articles submitted for review.
3. Prior to the publication of the article, the reviewers are under no circumstances entitled to use the information to which they have access in the review process for their own research or for other personal purposes.
4. In cases where the reviewer, with a generally positive opinion, has fundamentally significant comments on the article under review, in agreement with the editors, they can be published in the form of comments, while the author is given the opportunity to give a public answer to the reviewer on the pages of the journal.
5. Reviewers must conduct a scientific examination of the articles in the terms established by the editorial boards of journals (not more than two weeks). If it is not possible to perform a review within a specified period, the reviewer must immediately inform the editorial board of this.
6. When examining articles, reviewers should strive for maximum objectivity. The only criterion for evaluating an article is its scientific significance. Any decisions based on any personal preferences of the reviewer are not allowed. In the event of a conflict of interest in any form or between the reviewer and the author, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the editors of the journal and refuse to review.

REQUIREMENTS for the publication of articles in the magazine "Legal Science"
1. Materials are submitted in electronic form (in Word 2000 format or later version) to the electronic address of the editorial board (text - in 1.5 intervals, font size - 14, footnotes page by page, at the end of each page, in Arabic numerals). The recommended amount of material is up to 12 pages, which corresponds to 20,000 characters (including footnotes and spaces). Articles submitted to several editions are not accepted for consideration, in the event that the Article is sent to several editions in the future, the Author’s articles will not be accepted for consideration.
2. Upon request, the author receives information about the status of his Articles by sending a letter to the mail ​jurscience@mail.ru
3. The article should contain the following elements, designed in accordance with the requirements of the journal:
a) specialty code;
b) name in Russian and English;
c) information about the author: surname, name, patronymic, position, place of work, academic degree, academic title in Russian and English languages;
d) annotation (approximately 100-150 words) in Russian and English, including the subject, purpose of work, research methodology, research results, scope of application of the results, novelty, conclusions.
e) keywords (6–8 words or phrases) in Russian and English;
f) e-mail address for publication in the journal.
In addition, the author presents a reference bibliographic list in Russian only (this list is compiled in alphabetical order from the names of scientific sources given in the references in the text of the article). Data submitted to the editors in accordance with this paragraph will be posted in RISC.
When making a bibliographic list, use GOST:
- GOST 7.0.5-2008 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE. General requirements and rules of drafting.
- GOST 7.1-2003 BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION. General requirements and rules of compilation
4. Articles of undergraduates and graduate students are additionally supplied with a review of the supervisor.
5. Articles that do not meet the requirements specified in this announcement are not accepted for review and review.
6. We ask the authors to carefully check before sending to the journal the general spelling of the Articles, as well as the correctness of the writing of the relevant legal terms and the availability of the necessary information.
7. After verification, the electronic version of the Article and the accompanying documents are provided to the Publisher by e-mail: ​jurscience@mail.ru

PROCEDURE FOR REVIEWING MANUSCRIPTS, provided for publication in the magazine

1. This Order of reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication in the Magazine "Legal Science" (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the procedure for reviewing manuscripts of scientific articles, reviews, reviews and reviews provided by the authors for publication in the Journal of Legal Science (hereinafter referred to as the Journal).
2. Each manuscript received by the editors of the Journal must undergo a review procedure.
3. The manuscript submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal is reviewed by the editor-in-chief for its compliance with the profile of the Journal, the requirements for registration and is sent for review by a specialist.
4. As a general rule, the review is carried out by one of the members of the editorial board, a specialist in the subject matter of the reviewed materials, who has published scientific publications on the subject of the reviewed manuscript over the past three years.
5. For the purposes of more effective expert evaluation of manuscripts, the editorial staff also attracts external reviewers who are experts on the subject of reviewed materials (doctors or candidates of science, including practitioners who have published scientific publications on the subject of the reviewed manuscript over the past three years).
Reviewers are notified that the review procedure is confidential. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles and transfer them to third parties.
6. Review is conducted confidentially for the authors of articles. The review is provided to the author of the manuscript upon his written request without a signature and specifying the name, position, place of work of the reviewer.
7. The reviewer has the right to make recommendations to the author to improve the manuscript. The comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the manuscript.
8. The final decision on acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the Journal is made by the editor-in-chief on the basis of a review.
9. Original reviews are kept in the journal’s editorial office for five years from the time they are signed by the reviewer.
10. During the period established by clause 9 of this Procedure, a copy of the review shall be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the event that the relevant request is received by the Editorial Board.